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  • DuraEdge® PlayBall Calcined Clay Topdressing for Infields

DuraEdge® PlayBall Calcined Clay Topdressing for Infields

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Item #: FE7299
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PlayBall Topdressing is engineered to stay in place and provide less particle breakdown. It is designed for superior durability which results in less contamination, meaning it stays on the surface longer. PlayBall is more attainable for end users at all levels who want to implement a professional grade calcined clay material.

Infield Skin Applications

  • Infield Skin Topdressing
  • Infield Skin Drying Agent

Turfgrass Applications

  • Till into native soil rootzones to relieve compaction
  • Topdress & drag into turf after aerification to improve drainage

Guides and Documents

Product Specs

Additional Shipping Information

Nationwide shipping available! Ships by the pallet (50 bags). Shipping rates may vary. Please call for a shipping quote.

Installation Instructions

Pre-season Conditioning/Renovation

  1. Ensure infield skin has been properly graded and compressed for positive run off.
  2. Evenly apply topdressing across the entire skinned area.
  3. Lightly nail board 1/8–1/4". Do not till as an amendment.
  4. Finish drag for consistent coverage across skin.
  5. Saturate with water for even moisture throughout profile.

Topdressing of Mound & Home Plate Areas

  1. Apply 1/8–1/4" for consistent coverage.
  2. Rake or drag smooth and water.

In-Season Daily Maintenance

  1. Maintain 1/8"–1/4" coverage on top surface.
  2. Saturate thoroughly with water between games, if your operation allows, and after last game.
  3. Light nail drag in the morning with proper moisture.
  4. Finish mat drag and water pre-game.
  5. topdressing to maintain consistent coverage.

Wet Field Conditions

  1. ProDry or calcined clay topdressing to wet areas to absorb excess moisture.
  2. Rake or drag smooth.
  3. Remove excess next day if topdressing exceeds 1/3.”

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