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DuraEdge: A Scientific Approach To Baseball Field Maintenance

By On Deck Sports
August 18, 2024

Grant McKnight changed the baseball soil industry forever when he decided to take the scientific route. After his local college baseball team repeatedly struggled maintaining their diamond, McKnight made it his mission to improve the field’s longevity through scientifically proven results. And just like that, DuraEdge Products was born.

Located in Grove City, Pennsylvania, DuraEdge began scientifically engineering topdressings, mixes, mound clay, and much more. Soon, DuraEdge’s products expanded to baseball and softball leagues at the parks & rec, high school and collegiate levels. But it wasn’t long until DuraEdge made its way to the pros. DuraEdge’s innovative engineered soils are now used on professional fields across the country— including 26 MLB ballparks and nearly every MiLB field.

As the Official Infield Playing Surface of Minor League Baseball, DuraEdge is dedicated to creating safer, more playable infields at ALL levels of play. Its range of engineered mixes and field solutions have been developed to work for budgets big and small. On Deck Sports is proud to carry 18 of DuraEdge’s high-performing packaged products that can be purchased and shipped across the country.


DuraEdge Infield Topdressings

The heart of DuraEdge’s products are their infield topdressing mixes, which are all baked over 1300° F. Although similar in nature, each infield topdressing mix is designed for its own purpose.

  • ProDry calcined clay is engineered to quickly remove standing water from the infield dirt. After applying ProDry, waiting for it to absorb, and smoothening it with a rake, your infield will have a clean, finely manicured appearance with no layering effect.
  • FairBall, PlayBall!, and Platinum are DuraEdge’s calcined clay topdressings. All three of these products are designed for longevity and durability, giving groundskeepers less problems to fix on the field. In addition, they are all 100% natural earth products. FairBall calcined clay provides the most economical option while Platinum™, the Official Calcined Clay Topdressing of Minor League Baseball, provides a consistent premium option with the most refined playing surface out of the three.
  • ProSlide® Expanded Shale Topdressing, the Official Topdressing of Minor League Baseball, is the most durable topdressing on the market. ProSlide® creates a professional and fine-textured feel with its 6 x 30 gradation range. Plus, you can use ProSlide® as a standalone topdressing or combine it with traditional calcined clay products for an even greater infield playability.

DuraEdge® Shredded Mound Clay & Blocks

DuraEdge mound clays and blocks are ready to use out of the bag for every level of play. All mound clay and blocks are made with 40% or more clay content.

  • The ProLoc™ Mound Blocks, which are best used in a low to medium maintenance field, are premoistened and unfired with a patented 10° wedge design. These wedges and overlapping seams helps the blocks naturally fuse together, allowing for a durable and game-ready mound.
  • DuraEdge carries two different types of DuraPitch™ Mound Clay, Premium and Professional. Both options are very durable and have moisture balanced clay. Premium is made with 40%+ clay content and has a reddish-brown color, which is perfect for youth to high school level fields. On the other hand, Professional is made with 50-75% clay content and has a brownish-grey color, which is ideal for high school to collegiate level fields.
  • Last is the DuraEdge Blackstick Ultimate Professional Mound Clay, the Official Mound Clay of Minor League Baseball. This product has over 60% clay content and is screened down to ½”. With a dark grey and black color, tarping and water access is required to keep it long-lasting. Players and groundskeepers often recognize this as the best mound clay on the market.

DuraEdge® Infield Mixes

DuraEdge’s infield soils are manufactured — not harvested — so you can count on them being the same from one year to the next. Quality and consistency are hallmarks of DuraEdge infield soils. Depending upon your level of play, your ability to maintain your field and the access to water, we’ll match you to the infield mix best suited to your situation.

  • DuraEdge Classic is an ideal low-maintenance blend that’s perfect for the recreational specification and does not require access to water to maintain the infield.
  • DuraEdge Collegiate is the perfect intermediate choice for those who want a “tighter” playing surface without a large amount of maintenance.
  • DuraEdge Professional, the Official Infield Mix Of Minor League Baseball, creates a firm, corky, and professional playing surface. This is the highest clay content of all three of DuraEdge’s infield mixes.

DuraEdge’s stable of Field Experts, including over 125 years of professional groundskeeper experience, are passionate about educating not just DuraEdge’s products, but also proper field maintenance. For more detailed information on product usage and tips you can use on your infield, visit DuraEdge’s Maintenance Tips page and be sure to follow them on Instagram, X, Facebook, and YouTube!