Articles by On Deck Sports
Facility Feature: Sanfilippo Baseball - Wisconsin
Sanfilippo Baseball in Mequon, Wisconsin just opened a new batting cage facility that was designed and outfitted by On Deck Sports. Check out the work we did!3 rolls of 4' x 50' Rollout Rubber Flooring 8mm5,200 sq.ft. of GT34 Padded Turf Turf is enclosed by a large 36-gauge shell netWithin the ...
Read MoreFebruary 5, 2021
Facility Feature: Western Connecticut University
Western Connecticut University recently came to On Deck Sports to help them find a way for the baseball/softball teams to safely hold batting practice in the school gym. An efficient and affordable option, On Deck Sports suggested the Black Widow Motorized Retractable Batting Cage Model M. This...
Read MoreJanuary 22, 2021
On Deck Sports Fitness Facility Projects
On Deck Sports has helped thousands of indoor sports and fitness facilities get up and running, from the interior design process to the install. But don’t let us tell you, see for yourself. Below are some of our favorite fitness and gym facility projects! Chicago Midtown Athletic Club – ILElite...
Read MoreJanuary 20, 2021
Facility Feature: Reeves County Recreation Center, Texas
Reeves County in Pecos, Texas recently began a construction project to add a Recreation Center for the community. Along with a swimming pool, basketball courts, racquetball courts, and more, the project also included the addition of an outdoor baseball/softball batting cage facility. On Deck Sp...
Read MoreJanuary 15, 2021
A Year in Review: On Deck Sports 2020 Facility Projects
Since 2001, On Deck Sports has been designing and outfitting indoor sports facility all across the country, and this year was no different! As we head into 2021, we're taking a look back on some of the great projects we've been a part of in the year 2020. Boston College Pete Frates Center Up to...
Read MoreDecember 31, 2020
Indoor Batting Cage Facility Testimonials
On Deck Sports is the leader for indoor sports facility projects – from concept to completion, we have designed and outfitted hundreds of organizations and facilities across the country. But don't let us tell you, check out some of our customer testimonials! Black Widow Retractable Batting Cag...
Read MoreDecember 18, 2020
Facility Feature: Auburn University Softball Batting Cage Facility
Auburn University added a new 9,000 sq.ft. indoor sports facility for the school's softball team, and On Deck Sports was fortunate enough to be a part of the project! Check out the work we did!9,000 sq.ft. turf facility 6 motorized retractable divider curtains and motorized retractable shell ne...
Read MoreDecember 11, 2020
Facility Feature: Pete Frates Center at Boston College
Phase II of the Harrington Athletic Village complex at Boston College (BC) brought the Pete Frates Center, a 31,000 sq.ft. indoor baseball/softball batting cage facility named after former BC baseball captain Pete Frates ’07. On Deck Sports had the honor of being a part of this great project. C...
Read MoreDecember 3, 2020
On Deck Sports - Projects We're Thankful For
Since 2001, On Deck Sports has been designing and outfitting indoor sports facility all across the country, and this year was no different! In honor of Thanksgiving, take a look at some of our past projects we're thankful for.Home Turf Training Center – Ashland, OHSee the full project hereRoute...
Read MoreNovember 27, 2020
On Deck Sports Outdoor Batting Cage Projects
On Deck Sports is proud to help hundred of teams and organizations with the outdoor batting cages they need to train like they're in the game. But don't let us tell you, see some of our happy outdoor batting cage customers.Babson College – Wellesley, MADouble Commercial Batting Cages South Weym...
Read MoreOctober 29, 2020
Outdoor Batting Cage Q & A
There are a lot of factors to consider when buying an outdoor batting cage, but at On Deck Sports, we have the right resources and knowledge to help you decide which ones fit best with your needs. We sat down with Baseball & Softball Account Executive, Alex Hurley, to answer some commonly asked...
Read MoreOctober 21, 2020
On Deck Sports Installation Projects
On Deck Sports has helped thousands of sports facilities get up and running. But don’t let us tell you, see for yourself below. Here are some highlights from our most recent projects. Auburn University – 8,100 sq.ft.6 motorized retractable batting cages 1 motorized retractable divider curtainBa...
Read MoreSeptember 4, 2020
Outdoor Facility Feature: Banks County High School, Georgia
When Banks County High School wanted to upgrade their baseball field, Head Baseball Coach, Peyton Hart, suggested a Homplate Halo because it would enhance the look of their field while preventing wear and tear on the high-traffic area around home plate. Hart researched and received several quo...
Read MoreAugust 7, 2020
On Deck Sports: Custom Homeplate Halo Projects
On Deck Sports has helped hundreds of teams and organizations improve the look and life of their field with our custom homeplate halos. But don’t let us tell you, see for yourself below. Here are some of our happy customers: Cooper City High School – Coopers City, FL 5' Halo with 3' Letters Win...
Read MoreAugust 4, 2020
Homeplate Halo Q & A
A Homeplate Halo can give your field a completely new look, but the process to find one that fits your expectations and budget can be a little overwhelming. Luckily, we have the best resources to get the job done. We sat down with Account Executive, Matt Hurley, to answer commonly asked halo qu...
Read MoreAugust 3, 2020
Facility Feature: Colby Community College, Kansas
In October 2019, Colby Community College (CCC) began the process of building and outfitting a new multi-purpose facility to give campus sports a place to train year-round. To accommodate baseball and softball, the Athletics Department knew they needed protective netting, but had a hard time for...
Read MoreJuly 24, 2020
Windscreen Q & A
It’s easy to buy a windscreen, but buying one that fits your expectations, needs, and budget can feel like an overwhelming process. Many people do not know where to start or what factors to consider. Luckily, we have the right resources. We sat down with Account Executive, Kevin Rudolph, to ans...
Read MoreJuly 21, 2020
Outdoor Facility Feature: Winthrop Little League, Massachusetts
When Winthrop Little League (WLL) decided to re-brand their logo, they needed a way to let the community know. WLL thought a windscreen covering the outfield fence would be the perfect way to show off their new brand and improve the look of their field. After going through their windscreen opti...
Read MoreJuly 16, 2020
On Deck Sports - Custom Windscreen Projects
On Deck Sports has helped thousands of teams and organizations improve the look of their field and eliminate distractions with windscreens. But don’t let us tell you, see for yourself below. Here are some of our happy customers: Coastal Alabama Community College – Brewton, ALArmor Mesh Field Wi...
Read MoreJuly 16, 2020
Facility Feature: South Windsor Soccer Club, Connecticut
The South Windsor Soccer Club (SWSC) committee wanted to build a different kind of soccer facility for the South Windsor, CT community. They wanted to create a space that was inclusive to all athletes regardless of skill set or age. After shopping around looking at several vendors, SWSC committ...
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